After beavering away over the summer months, team Pugpig and The Independent last week re-launched their live mobile app on Pugpig Bolt.
1st September 2019
After beavering away over the summer months, team Pugpig and The Independent last week re-launched their live mobile app on Pugpig Bolt. The brand has changed from independent Minds to Independent Premium, and the app itself has had a complete overhaul. It now has a beautiful feature-led home screen, events integration, a dedicated puzzle section, downloadable books and supplements along with all the section based news and entertainment that readers have spent the last year enjoying in the app. You can still personalise the app to suit your preferences, and for those who like a cover to cover read, we still have the Independent Daily Edition app available on iOS, Android and the web. So no matter how you like to consume your news, The Independent and Pugpig have everything you need. On your phone, on your tablet and on the web.
Download here for iOS and Android.