Case Studies | Springer Nature

Pugpig works with Springer Nature's custom content division to launch new projects

The Pugpig Professional Services and Site teams work hand in hand with the Springer Nature teams to design, migrate, and build websites for various educational institutions.

Springer Nature, Kaust Insight & Kaust Discovery websites

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Star Tribune case study

News media

The Minnesota Star Tribune app retains 81% of readers after 30-day period, launching as part of their digital transformation

The Star Tribune app plays a crucial role in driving audience engagement and reader revenue as this prestigious news brand enters a new era of technology growth. The six week turnaround was supercharged by Bolt’s seamless integrations with Arc XP and Norkon, resulting in a premium product that’s added significant value for loyal subscribers.

  • Users return to the app almost daily
  • +174% screen views during election week
  • 40% of the user base have the app downloaded